• Svetolika Nikačevića 11, Belgrade


During 2017, the construction of the first phase of the cold storage warehouse for apple storage in the ULO/DCA atmosphere was started. Agrounija cold storage warehouse is located in Krčedin and operates as part of the MK Farming group. The capacity of the cooling chambers in the first phase is 3500 tons.

In 2018, the expansion of the capacity of the cold storage warehouse was carried out in the form of the second phase, the capacity of which is 4000 tons.

The quality of the refrigeration machines is high and at a modern level, with computer guidance and regulation that enables low peak loads. The basis for cooling in the entire system of the primary circuit is the refrigerant ammonia (NH3) with indirect expansion, which through the exchanger has the refrigerant Glycol in the secondary circuit, which is distributed to consumers in all chambers at all regimes. The cooling system, together with insulation, LED lighting and recovery of waste heat for underfloor heating, makes this cold storage special and provides energy savings of up to 30% compared to previous cold storages of the same capacity and purpose.